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2000:  Does Santa Wear Leather?
2001:  My Secret Love
2002:  Little Drummer Girl
2003:  Mmmm--Donuts
2004:  The Friendly Beasts
Shades of Purple
2006 Racing with the Clock
2007:  2 Puppies, 2 Adventures
2008:  Pat Boone
2009:  Christmas Greetings in the Electronic Age
2010:  I'm Back!
2011:  Delicate Pooh Home Again
2012: My day Book
2013:  What Child Is This?
Batten Down the Hatches
2015  Changing Seasons
2016: Saturday 9
2017: Sunday Stealing
2018: Misty Water-Colored memories
2019: A Christmas Carol, Etc

2020: Stockings

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Some Background Links:
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The story of Delicate Pooh
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Who IS this Gilbert person anyway?

mail to Walt / mail to Bev


10 December 2021

I don't remember how old we were the year my mother decided to read "A Christmas Carol" to us.  Karen and I sat on the couch while she read it, chapter by chapter, over several nights.

I just loved that and I hoped that it would become a holiday tradition, but when I asked her if she would do it the next year, she wasn't interested.

When our kids were little, Walt would gather them around each Christmas eve and read "The Night Before Christmas" to them.

I loved watching them all together and had Walt read the story to them again the following year.

(Not sure where the other 2 were)

It became a holiday tradition and every year, even as the kids got older and bigger, they would gather around Walt while he read "The Night Before Christmas."  In 1981 we had 2 visitors from Brasil, 1 eacn from Croatia, and Zaire living with us and they joined in on the story as well.

By 1994, there weren't that many in the house, and they were old enough that David read the story to those that were there.

It's one of my favorite memories of Christmases when the kids were living at home.  I still wish we had made it a family tradition when Karen and I were growing up.





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