...the Journal

The Guest
Refrigerator Door

The new magnets are from Jeri's refrigerator. Jeri's fridge has some unusual stuff attached to it.

Milo's first bath.

* NEW *

Someone suggested I add a discussion board, so I have.

If you have anything to discuss, go to this link. Feel free to start a new discussion on anything.


I'm a Stranger Here Myself

Bill Bryson

I enjoyed his Australia book so much, I decided to try the one about this country.


Battersea Park Road
to Enlightenment

(this is a book I picked up in London)


Robin Williams on
Bravo's The Actors' Studio

That's it for today!



11 June 2001

Well, glory be, it all worked. Olivia was still sleeping when I crept out at 8 a.m. this morning and drove over to San Francisco to the home of Steve’s friend Ken. I was picking up a keyboard for Steve, and Ken, along with his dog Piper, were waiting for me. We loaded the huge thing into the car.

Then I passed by a hotel where I’m meeting my friend Martha next Saturday to give her the Grand Tour of San Francisco while her husband is at a librarians’ convention.

Since I'm always paranoid about being places late, I had allowed a lot of time for traffic and the unexpected, so I had some time to kill and drove out to the ocean to watch waves for awhile. I took one of my favorite routes, which is up Market St., the main street through downtown San Francisco. It was my favorite kind of day, when it was clear and crisp and sunny.

I had just watched The Castro on TV the other night, talking about how gay people began to move to San Francisco in the late 40s and early 50s and how about the time I was in high school on the other side of the city, the police were arresting gay people just for gathering together in a club somewhere. Gentlemen in suits and ties, hauled off in the paddy wagon, just for daring to appear in public as gay men.

In contrast, as I drive up Market Street today, rainbow flags fly on light poles the entire length of the street. And at the corner of Castro and 18th St. is an enormous rainbow flag. People walk around in the open, gay men, lesbians, straight people, all mingling together in peace and acceptance under the rainbow flags...and how nice that is.

I found myself a spot out by the beach and sat there watching the seagulls and pelicans fly overhead and the waves crashing on the beach. I always take strength from the sea and I love being near it. But I did have more important things to do, so my time was cut short.

As I drove to the airport, I was kicking myself, realizing that I had brought neither Steve’s flight information nor his cel phone number. I was relying on dumb luck and the vague notion each of us had that his plane got in "around 10 a.m." I did know it was United, but beyond that, if I’d had to go looking for him, I’d have been up a creek.

Fortunately, God watches out for dummies, because on only my second tour of the arrival doors, there he was--all 10 feet of him (or however the heck tall he is). He’d been up since midnight California time and was already punchy. But he loaded his stuff in the car and we headed for Davis.

It was a good thing that his scheduled performance time was 1:30 because we had time to stop for lunch en route and we enjoyed a nice Mexican meal and then finished the last bit to Central Park in Davis, where we met up with Ned, who was there to help set up Steve’s keyboard if he needed any help. Ned and Steve get along well together and it’s been fun watching them become friends.

And then it was time for Steve’s performance, which went well. He had a good response from the audience, and they were all very good at participating with him when he sang "Friendly Fire," because he threatened to put all their photos on the Internet if they didn’t sing along at the appointed places.

We sold some CDs and then while Steve made the rounds of the audience, stopping to chat with people, I spent some time with the Breaking Barriers crew, whose photos I promised to put on the Internet:

Chuck - Sam - Coco

The day was a lovely one. Not too hot, a nice breeze from time to time, and a park filled with friends and families, all enjoying each other and the day. Couples sat holding hands, moms sat with babies in their laps, kids ran around with painted faces or balloon hats. And nobody seemed to care what constituted a "family," whether it was two men with their child, two women with their child, or a man and a woman with their child. Everybody was there just to enjoy the day.

You know...like normal folks.

It was very nice.

All photos for today are on Steve's Club Photo page

One Year Ago:
Dolphins and tigers and puns--oh my!

Some pictures from this journal
can be found at
Club Photo

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Created 6/8/01 by Bev Sykes