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PLAN AHEAD 9 August 2019
The Trump administration has followed Trump's remarks about ending hate and working together with the biggest round-up of aliens, many of whom had been working here for more than 15 years and had raised their children here. In the history books, this is going to be recorded as the period of time when this country tortured children. Trump always wants to have the biggest of whatever he does, and he certainly has it this time ... the most children ever tortured in this country. Leave us not forget the hundreds still in kiddie jail, sleeping on concrete for months, having no idea where their parents are. ICE didn't even warn Child Welfare that there were going to be children coming home and finding no parents. Some younger kids were not picked up from day care. No arrangements were made for where the now-parentless children would live, what they would eat, or anything else. Do any of them need medicine? It was neighbors who brought them to centers or churches and brought food for them. ICE could care less.
Watching the videos of the broken hearted children makes me cry. This was on the same day that Trump was supposedly visiting the El Paso victims.
I'm sure the baby was pleased to meet the president of the United States, who had only thumbs up to give the newly orphaned child, whose parents died trying to save him from a shooter who quoted Trump about the invasion of aliens. Nobody has given any thought to what they are doing the hundreds of children. There is unanimous agreement among physicians that these children are suffering emotional distress. "The longer children remain in institutional settings, the greater their risk of depression, post-traumatic stress and other mental health problems," says the New York Times. No matter what happens to these kids eventually, there is no doubt that the psychological effects of their experiences will live with them forever. In 15 years or so, the world will have a large group of about-to-be adults with mental problems, who hate America. Trump created the "rapists and murderers" myth in his initial comments about immigrants but he could well have made that a reality with his torture of the children who are now behind bars with rules that they are not even allowed to comfort each other. I just started reading "Beyond Charlottesville" by former Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe, a book about "taking a stand against white nationalism." In the foreword by Congressman John Lewis he says "We're never too young or too old to make a contribution. If we're going to have a future as a nation, and as a people, we all must be engaged, we all must be involved in some way, helping to deal with the local community, helping to redeem the soul of America. We must do it. we don't have a choice. We have a national problem with hate and fear and racism. It's like a raging fire burning that can consume us all. That's why we must stop the burning. We must quench the flames and look to the future." This is my way of being involved in some way. not letting people forget the terrible things that are happening around us. Writing about harvesting apples or watching the grandkids playing sports may be more fun, but every so often, I just have to turn to what is going on in the news, that few want to discuss. |
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