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Today in My History

2000:  Mom's Christmas Crisis
2001:  Lost and Alone on Some Forgotten Highway
2002:  Fizzbin
2003:  Sensory Overload
2004:  Must Be Santa
2005It Was a Pretty Good Year

2006The Shop Around the Corner
2007:  The Deadline Looms

2008:  Memories with a Hint of Cinnamon
2009:  Oh Dear

Our 2010 Christmas Letter

A Christmas Carol

Books Read in 2010
Updated: 12/14

Recipes for Cousins Day Drinks
(updated 3/17/10)


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Airy Persiflage

My Compassion Kids

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holi10-badge-holly.gif (2346 bytes)Following my friend Jim's example, I'll put in this brief introduction for people who might stumble over this jounal on Holidailies

I'm a middle-aged (if I plan to live to 134)   grandmother, retired from full time work, though working as a part-time theatre critic.  I foster dogs (usually puppies) for the SPCA and many of my entries end up being about dogs and/or puppy poop.  Walt and I raised five children and buried two of them.  Our remaining three are married to three fabulous spouses, all of whom I love a lot and we have, of course, the most beautiful grandchild in the world. 

This journal started in March of 2000 and I've pretty much updated daily, with very, very few misses, ever since then.  (I even wrote an entry on a coin-operated computer in a tiny town in England!)


22 December 2010

It was nice having Jeri in town all day, and she was able to get some errands run while here.

We all kind of slept late (7 is late for me!) and eventually, sometime before noon, I started making pecan waffles.

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No, it wasn't "Waffle Wednesday," but Tuesday was close enough, when Jeri was in town.  The waffles were delicious.

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Jeri eventually went off on Walt's bike to get some errands run and we made plans to meet for lunch "or something" around 3 p.m. (since we were all full from breakfast at noon). 

At 3 we went to Ciocolat, a lovely little bistro type restaurant in downtown Davis. As we were mulling over menu options, Kate, who is a friend of ours and who owns the restaurant, recommended the chicken noodle soup, with noodles made on the premises.  It was a good recommendation, with a rich flavorful broth, delicious noodles and a side caesar salad with slivers of parmesan and foccacia bread....and lots of croutons, my favorite.

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After our mid-afternoon snack, we walked over to the downtown post office so Jeri could get a box to mail some stuff home to herself.  On the way we passed the "Compassion David."

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I had read about him in Davis Life Magazine (from where I stole the photo--it's actually grey and cold today and he was bundled up in a heavy coat). He began a quest earlier this year to define the word "compassion."  He started this quest when he lived in Oakland after seeing a speech on compassion by Karen Armstrong, a former nun, who created a “Charter for Compassion” based on the idea that “compassion lies at the heart of all religious, ethnical and spiritual traditions, calling us always to treat all others as we wish to be trusted.”

He stands on the corner with a notebook in hand and he stops people to ask if they would mind writing down their definition of "compassion."   He has over 3,300 signatures in his books.  I added mine, because I wanted to talk to him.  I defined "compassion" as "caring about others more than yourself, and being kind to animals."  I asked David what his definition of compassion is and I'm afraid it was too lofty for me to understand!

A few steps farther down the street (Jeri and Walt had gone on ahead to the post office while I spoke with David), I ran into a woman I used to work with and haven't seen in many years.  She retired 2 years ago and was telling me about her difficulties adjusting to retirement and her realization that she needs to get a volunteer job, possibly at the hospital.  It was nice to see her again.

We returned to the house and Jeri packed up her stuff while waiting for a friend who was going with her to a concert (and then driving her to Grandma's house to spend the night).

I was full from lunch, so Walt finished my leftover half turkey stuffing sandwich from Trader Joe's, supplemented with some yogurt and some party mix our next door neighbor had given us, for dinner.

We are child-less again (if you don't count the 4-footed ones), but it's always nice to spend a day with one of our kids.  And the evening ended with this fabulous music video that Ned posted on YouTube.  I hope you watch it.


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Table set for High Tea at Ciocolat


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