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2001:  Mortality
2002:  Whatever Happened to Pin the Tail...?
2003:  Day 2
2004:  Are You Being Served?
2005:  Take THAT, Hilton!
Heat Frustration Days

Les Miserables
Music Circus (feature article)
The Maxfield Inn

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Updated 7/22:
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"


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Cute Dog Video
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Nessun Dorma
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(updated 6/17/07)

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4th of July Barbeque

That's My Answer

Have you answered
the Question of the Day?


25 July 2007

I hate it when it happens.

I've written about it before.

It was a question on Michele's site (such a fun site to visit each day, if you haven't done it yet).  The question was

"What is the last movie you watched, be it on TV, DVD or at the cinema?"

Well, that was easy enough.  I finally got around to watching Maurice, a video I'd rented from Netflix.  It's based on an E.M. Forester story about gay young men in the Edwardian era and the danger that expressing their feelings for each other presents.  An O.K. movie, not a great movie.  It was made in 1987 and an early Hugh Grant movie.

In fact, that was the answer I was going to give: 

I just watched "Maurice," a very early Hugh Grant film. It was OK, but nothing I'd recommend highly.

I got to "very early..." and couldn't remember Hugh Grant's name.  I could see him and I could remember movies he was in, but I  could not remember his name.

OK--he was in that movie Love, Actually, right?  I looked that up in the Internet Movie Database (IMDb) and for some reason didn't find his name on the list (must have overlooked his name, because he was in it).

But that's OK, he was in that movie with Julia Roberts.  Uh.  What was the name of it?  I've seen it many times.  It's about an area in London (Notting Hill).  But I couldn't remember the name and couldn't think of a single area in London.

OK--he was the guy in that movie about the little kid he sort of mentored (About a Boy), but I couldn't remember the name of that movie.

But he was in the movie with Renee Zellwiger.  Somebody's Diary.  Whose diary?  (Bridget Jones, of course).  I sat here with clue after clue after clue which would lead me to a movie where I could look for Hugh Grant's name, but I couldn't come up with a complete clue anywhere.

I finally got up to go pour myself a cup of coffee and as soon as I moved away from the computer, "Bridget Jones" popped into my head.  I went back to IMDb and put that in and there, of course, was Hugh Grant.

The frustrating thing is that I really like Hugh Grant and will see a move he's in, just because he's in it.  So why couldn't I remember his name?

I still misplace my keys by putting them on the kitchen counter, and not in the refrigerator.  I know that a key opens a door; I haven't forgotten what a key is used for.  But, I've said it before and I'll say it again — it scares me when there is something simple, like the name of someone I should know, escapes me. 

And every time that happens, I remember back to when everything looked OK from the outside and my aunt told me that her brain "didn't work right" and I would laugh, thinking she was making a joke.

My mother went to see Barb this past weekend and except for a brief glimmer of recognition, she didn't know her at all.  There is no point in going to see her any more.  She doesn't recognize anyone any more.  I can't imagine the pain this must be causing her kids because they will travel long distances to see her and after a few minutes, she will tell them to go.

I understand.  A new person shakes up her routine, or what little of it she remembers, and it has to be scary for her.  They thought it would be nice to take her outside into the sun when they visited her this weekend, and she refused to go outside, or to speak with them any more because she was afraid of being taken outside.

Whenever I can't remember a name of a person or things that I know so well, I can't help but think about the years when Barb's brain "didn't work right" and how we laughed at the joke she was making, but in the end, the joke was on us--because her brain really didn't work right.

Cousins Day tomorrow, so the next entry will be posted late.


(Only Charlotte, Mike and Walt will understand
why I'm posting this photo today!)


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