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CHRISTMAS COOKIES 23 December 2007 I finally decided to do some Christmas baking this year. Did I make cookies for the neighbors? No. I made cookies for the dogs. Actually, I probably wouldn't have done that, but Ashley dropped off a jar of dog cookie mix as a treat for Lizzie and Sheila and it seemed like a good thing to do. I can take treats to Ned & Marta's dog for Christmas.
I have to admit the mix smelled good! And why not--it's loaded with good stuff: 1 cup unbleached or whole wheat flour To this mix, you add 2 eggs and 1 cup of hot water, adding more water or more flour as needed to make the dough workable. I actually added about a cup more flour. Lizzie was delighted and watched me like a hawk when I was rolling and cutting the dough because she'd already tasted bits that had fallen on the floor when I was mixing it all together.
It all bakes at 250º for 90 minutes, after which you let the pan sit in the oven until the cookies are dried out. So now I have doggie treats to give as gifts (and lots for our dogs too, of course). I was sorry that I've given away all of my cookie cutters, so I made donut shapes and donut holes. This was the day when I started actually doing housework. I am embarrassed to admit I don't know how long it's been since I dusted the living room, but suffice to say I didn't get it all dusted before Christmas last year and haven't touched it since. I never go in there except at night, when the lights are off, and we never entertain, so I just never think about it. My mother will be appalled to read that (but probably not surprised). I blocked off the door, because Chunk has diarrhea and I don't want a puppy with diarrhea running around on the only rug in the house. The dogs were not happy to find themselves excluded.
I made a dent in the living room cleaning, got lots of Christmas cards addressed, and we ended the night watching Lillies of the Field and The Miracle Worker on the local PBS station. At one point I looked around me and realized that I had 4 dogs and one husband all dozing.
This was DILO day for Flickr, so I've tried to keep a
running photo journal of the day, though it was a pretty boring day for
photographs, all things considered. |
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