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Every Christmas Story Ever Told

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Cousins Day


4 December 2007

As I have for the past several years, I'm doing "Holidailies" again, posting a journal entry a day in the month of December. this is a stretch for me!

I do like Holidailies, though, for inspiration and for introduction to new journals.  Today I encountered MissMeliss: Escribtion, who starts her month with inspiration from another blogger.  She writes

Meg of is all about sharing the love, so she’s created this Love List. Yes, it’s a meme. Memes are fun. .... Do share. But credit Meg as the Source.  

MissMeliss made her love list mostly seasonal, so I will too, though not entirely.  (I see Mary has done it too, which makes it "official"!)

Things YOU Love: raindrops on roses, whiskers on kittens...oh, waitaminute.  That's been done before.  OK--my own list:  puppy breath, computers, television, going out for dinner for no reason other than it sounds like fun, Cousins Day.

Song you love: At this time of year, my favorite Christmas carol is "Silver Bells."

Food you love: foods.  I do love turkey and a good-tasting stuffing; pumpkin pie; any kind of ice cream.  And I just had (and forgot how good it was when I had it before) Stilton with cranberries in it.  We had "fruit cheeses" like that on our riverboat cruise a few years back and I loved 'em all.

Thing you love to look at: puppies, sunsets, the ocean and, to make this seasonal, houses all decorated with Christmas lights, especially my boss's cartoon house!

Sound you love: the thumpety-thump of a puppy's run (can you tell that I'm fostering a puppy at the moment!), rain on the roof or window, the roar of the ocean

Thing you love to laugh at: puppies!  and the camaraderie at Cousins Day.

Gadget you love:  My Gorillapod!  (I wish I had bought the one for a heavier camera, tho.)

Software you love:  PhotoShop, Windows Movie Maker, ScreenRip

Word you love:  strawphylactic

Thing you love on the internet:  Flickr, Twitter, Blogger, Scrabble, and That's My Answer

Place you love to go on vacation:  Australia

Sensation you love: the smell of puppy breath

Animal you love:  Dogs, of course.  Also horses, mountain gorillas, and elephants

Book you love:  "East of Eden"

Emotion you love:  the sheer unbridled joy of a child

Occasion you love:  Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday, the one fraught with the least angst!

Quality you love in people:  a sense of humor

Thing you most love to shop for:  books!!!

And finally…

What you love about today:  I finished my review and didn't have anything much to do, so was able to cuddle the puppy and take a nice nap this morning.

Speaking of Daisy...she's been here a week now.  I finally got her "story".  Megan says, "An officer went to her house for a welfare check, as requested by a neighbor. She found that mom had died and the family was bottle feeding 2 pups, using cow's milk. She informed them how to care for them and got
them to surrender the one pup (Daisy)."

So that's Daisy's story.  This is the cuddliest puppy ever.  She will sleep all day in my arms, if I let her.  She seems quite intelligent and is a quick learner.  She's also trying to make friends with Sheila and Lizzie. 

The two dogs are usually better with singleton puppies than with litters, but it's going to take awhile before they really befriend her.  She has those sharp little teeth and is all mouth right now, though not strong enough to start tearing up the furniture.  But teeth sharp enough to hurt, so I'm not surprised when one of the older dogs snaps at her.  I'm trying to stay out of dog-puppy interactions because Daisy has to learn and the older dogs seem to know intuitively not to hurt her, but just to scare her.

Just a few minutes ago, for example, she must have done something to Sheila--perhaps just invaded her space, since Sheila was sleeping under my desk and Daisy tiptoed in.  All of a sudden I heard yelping from Daisy.  My instinct is to pick her up, but I didn't because Lizzie came running in and there was Daisy between the two big dogs, and both of them sniffing her and wagging tails.  It was probably a good lesson for her.




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