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This Day in My History

2000:  Dolphins, Tigers, and Puns, oh my
2001:  Just Like Normal Folks
2002:  Looking for a Little Support
2003:  The One-Handed Life
2004The Best Show on Broadway

2005:  Marathon Man

"The Venetian Twins"

Books Read in 2006

"A Quiz"

The Quiz

Mefeedia Video Archive

My Favorite Video Blogs

Desert Nut

(for others, see Links page)

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New on My flickr_logo.gif (801 bytes)
Bill's Memorial

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Support liberty and justice for all

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My "Things I Want" Wish List

(with the hope that everyone in my family will think about making a similar list before their birthdays and/or Christmas roll around!)


11 June 2006

I didn't really think it would take an hour to find a place to park at 10 a.m. on a Saturday, but given my experiences in the same neighborhood a couple of weeks ago, I didn't want to risk it.

There was almost no traffic when I drove over the Golden Gate Bridge at 8:30 a.m. and naturally I found a place to park half a block from the Swedish American hall, where Vloggercon 06 was being held (thank you, Gilbert)

I had an hour to kill and I had unfortunately left my book at home to lighten the load in my heavily-laden purse.

NOTE TO SELF: Never forget the Sherman Lewis rule: always bring a book!

I found a bakery/coffee shop and ordered coffee, then sat there, flaunting my "VLOGGER" t-shirt, hoping others in the group might be coming in for breakfast (forgetting that sessions didn't start until noon and if they were in town, they had been out partying the night before). I had an hour to kill.

I called Walt to check on the welfare of the dogs, then just sat there flaunting and started to write this entry, but then I noticed a computer at the back of the place where, for $3, I could spend 20 minutes on the internet. Crisis averted.

At 10,I showed up at the Hall, met Ryanne and Jay and got explained my job, which would be to check people in at the door. It turned out to be both a humongous task, and the best job I could have had. Humongous because what with attendees, volunteers, presenters and sponsors, there were probably 300-500 people who needed to check in. It was the best job I could have because I saw everyone I had come to Vloggercon to meet. Liked all the people I liked before, didn't like all the people I didn't like before, so no surprises, except I was flabbergasted at how many people have watched my videos--and talked with me about specific ones. And I thought nobody ever watched them!

I missed almost all the sessions, but didn't worry about it because it is all being archived and I can see them at home next week. Amazingly, I was so busy I had no time to take video, so I have almost nothing at all from today.

I did attend one session about Blip.TV, given by Mike Hudack, one of the people I admire greatly both for his expertise, and also for his approachability. In light of my recent rant about customer service, I must say that I have never used a product with as conscientious a customer service rep as BlipTV.

Someone watched the sign-in table for me while I went to the Blip session and she offered to stay while I went to get something to eat. As it was now after 1 p.m. and I hadn't had anything to eat since about 7, I took her up on her offer. On the way back, I ran into God.

I worked another couple of sessions and then someone came to relieve me for the day, and I was able to attend a couple of final sessions. It really is interesting being in a group of computer geeks, when all are videotaping and there is streaming video and you are surrounded by TECHNOLOGY.

There was a big party at the end of the day's events that I was going to go to, but in the meantime I had connected with Linda and Gordon ("The Desert Nut") and we decided to blow off the party and go to Fisherman's Wharf for dinner, which we did. We had a fabulous evening at Mama Rose's (next to Alioto's) and got acquainted.

I am meeting them tomorrow morning and we'll do a whirlwind driving tour of the city before sessions start again tomorrow morning. For now I'm exhausted and am off to sleep!


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Me and the Desert Nut


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