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THANKS FOR 2006 31 December 2006 I made a note to do this a year ago, and now the time is at hand. As we approach the end of 2006 and look forward to 2007, I thought I would take stock of ten things for which I was grateful in 2006. 1. I am grateful that we have gone for six years with no family catastrophes, that all three of the kids were able to be here with their spouses over Christmas, and that we all get along so well. None of that "holiday family tension" business for this family, at least not now (I have learned never to say "never").
2. I am grateful that we have had the opportunity to raise so many little puppies this year. There is something so gratifying to look back and remember the little lumps that were delivered to the house and watch them learning how to walk and take tentative steps at playing with each other. Each litter is special, each wiggles its way into your heart, but the "Rainbow Puppies" were particular endearing — maybe because they weren't pit bulls.
And then there was wonderful little Peanut, who lived a short life, but who was so special that there were so many people who mourned his death.
3. I am grateful for a year without serious health problems for me or for Walt. I don't think I even had a cold this year (probably famous last words!) The aches and pains that come with age and weight have just become "who I am" but basically this has been a good year, health-wise. 4. I am grateful for my mother's continuing presence in my life, and for her robust good health. She is my best friend and I am so blessed to have her with me for such a long period of time.
5. I am grateful that all the kids seem to be in good places, that all three have partnered with wonderful people who are good to them and who love them.
6. I am grateful for long-time friends like the Newman Group, especially Char, Jeri and Pat, and for newer friends like Ron, Olivia, Diane, Steve, and like Peggy, who continues to be my dearest friend despite the distance that separates us.
7. I am grateful for all the technological gadgets in my life. Call me trivial, but since I spend so much time at home, I am happy to have a DVR for entertainment, a computer for news and camaraderie, the cameras, and the new video iPod. Sure, I could live without them, but I'm glad that I don't have to. 8. I am very grateful for everyone who reads this journal and has continued to read it throughout the years. They say that there are so many blogs created each day that the average readership of a new blog is 1-5 readers. I have over 300 people who check in from time to time and it is humbling to know that you keep coming back. 9. I am grateful that I live in a country which is working so hard to regain a system of checks and balances, that the true nature of the more fervent of the fundamentalist leaders is beginning to be revealed, and that some states are saying "NO" to discrimination against gay couples. There is a lot to be angry, frustrated and depressed about in this country, but I am hopeful that — somehow — we can regain the dignity that we had prior to January 2000.
10. Finally, I am grateful that Walt is such an understanding husband, that we are still good friends after 40+ years, that we still find things to laugh about, and I hope that as we adjust to the new "togetherness" after his retirement (on Wednesday!) we will continue to laugh together...and not kill each other in the first six months. :)
I just love this photo...these are three
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