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2000:  Stop the World, I Want to Get Off
2001:  Goodbye, Kid
2002:  Southern Baptist Sissies
2003:  I Can Be Easily Manipulated
2004A Lifetime of Memories, Part 2

2005:  My Life in a Shopping Cart

"The Music Man"

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"Puppy Update"

A Puppy Update

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Hezbollah: Coming to Your Town
Whose Line Is It Anyway? (Colin Mochrie)
Scenes from a Hat (Robin Williams)

Stan Freberg:  The Calypso Singer
Stan Freberg:  Great American Soup
Zero Mostel at HUAC

(Jim Brochu as Mostel)
It Was a Very Good Year
Puppies vs. Cat

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4th of July 2006
Annie et al.

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12 August 2006

Well, the puppies have been here, now, for a little over a week and I haven't really said much about them, so it's time for a little "how are we all doing?" entry.  I've gotten so blase about puppies that I keep forgetting to talk about them.

First of all, even before they've had their operation, before they've gone up for adoption, we may have found Annie a home.

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At the family reunion, I ws talking with my cousin's daughter, Karen, about the puppies and she said that Annie sounded just exactly what she and her husband, Bobby, are looking for.  So they came to see her yesterday and fell in love with her.   Ashley is going to interview them this weekend and maybe Annie will be moving out sooner than anticipated.

teeth.jpg (27309 bytes)The biggest change from when they arrived here and now is that they have discovered their teeth.  Oh, they arrived with teeth, of course, but other than chewing kibble, they hadn't really used them much.  That all changed about three days ago.  Now nothing is sacred.  I finally realized, when Darcy took a mouthful of chair upholstery and started pulling on it, that I can no longer let them run around the house unless they are supervised. 

I devised a Rube Goldberg contraption that allows them to come into the house as far as their cage, but keeps them outside otherwise.

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The problem with this is that the other dogs have to be either locked in or locked out.  That means Kimba will pee all over the house...but what else is new?  Sheila lets me know when she wants to go in or out,and we've worked out our own system—we understand each other.  It also means that I can't turn on the air conditioner because I am keeping the back door opened.

When I'm sitting in the family room, the puppies can come out and run around (they're pretty good about not peeing on the floor...but they pee on Kimba's bed!).   The only problem is that on these hot days I'm wearing shorts and am either barefoot or wearing sandals and those claws are SHARP as they scrape along my leg and the teeth are sharp as they gnaw on my toes. 

And Annie has discovered that Zack has a penis and is quite fond of chomping down on it and shaking it.  Needless to say, this sets up quite a howl from Zack (there is no mistaking which puppy is making noise.  There is a special "You're biting my penis" yell, I've discovered!).

They really are into everything.  Every time they run around I find something new I have to figure out how to block off. 

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They are also very helpful.  They help me sweep the floor.  

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They help me clean the bathroom...

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But they do eventually calm down and take a few minutes to relax.

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Kimba got herself in trouble today.  She can't stand it if there is food anywhere and will do anything to get to it (she's obviously my dog).   There was some leftover puppy kibble in the cage after I let the puppies out and Kimba snuck in there to eat it all.  Only the cage door shut on her.  She could very easily push it open, but the puppies give her such a hard time, I decided to just leave her there, where she could have some peace.  Of course she's been "pacing" (as much as you can "pace" in a cage which is about one step longer than your body!) ever since.  I figure if nothing else, she's getting some exercise...and I don't have to worry about the puppies bugging her for a little while.

And how is Sheila with all of this?  Well, here's an example.   Tonight, the puppies went outside after dark.  The screen door was shut, but the sliding glass door was open.  One of the puppies came inside; the other two were outside.  One of the outside puppies started squeaking a squeak toy and the inside puppy started pawing at the screen door to try to get at it.  Suddenly, Sheila got up, went outside and in a few minutes was back with the squeak toy and dropped it in front of the inside puppy.

Sheila's just great!

It is fun having puppies around again.

I think.

And, in light of yesterday's terrorist activities, you must watch this to find out what is being taught to the children.  It's chilling.


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I love this picture!

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