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This Day in My History

  ** 2 day hiatus **
  Computer Tricks
The Flossing of Beverly

 Patience is Still a Virtue, Dammit
2004:  Apologies Are In Order



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I guess there's room enough to share.



"Slingshot Gets a Home"

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6 November 2005

Slingshot has a home. 

A permanent one.

We went to the park at 2 p.m., as arranged.  You may recall the problems I had a couple of weeks ago trying to get Slingshot out the door and into the car to take him up to Petco.  At that time, I had to chase him upstairs and corner him in order to get the leash on him, and then drag him all over the house because he went limp and refused to move.  Once I finally got him out the front door, there  was no way he was going to get into the car and I had to try to heft this huge bulk of a dog into the back seat.

Well, today, he didn't cringe when I put his leash on him, he walked right out the door, and when I opened the car door, he only hesitated a second before climbing right in without assistance.  He was going to be on his best behavior.

We met Ashley in the park and waited for his new Mom to arrive.   She  got caught in traffic, and so I waited with Ashley and with Executive Director Kim, who had come to do the pre-adoption interview.

SlingKim.jpg (43465 bytes)Slingshot thought that the top of the picnic table was just the perfect place to settle in, and enjoyed greeting people from this lofty perch.  (In the photo Slingshot is greeting Kim).

Finally his new Mom arrived, with more of those yummy doggie cookies and he was very happy to see her, and completely forgot that I was even there.

The interview took place, all the forms were signed and the check written.  Slingshot was  there to make sure that everything was done right.   I'm sure he doesn't want to have to leave another home.

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When it was all nice and legal, Slingshot exchanged his SPCA collar and leash for a brand new blue one and with hardly a turn of the head, he went off, following his new Mom to his new home.

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When they got to the car, the new Mom turned and called back that he had gotten into the car without a moment's hesitation.

So he's gone.  I thought he had been here for 2 weeks, but when I went back and checked dates, he was actually here for 3. 

Sheila is looking a little lost this evening, but tomorrow morning I will be taking her off to the dog park, where she has not been since we had a steady stream of foster dogs to keep her occupied, and whom I could not trust to come back to me if I took them to the dog park.  I'm sure she will get over missing Slingshot very quickly.

As for me, that big little horse was a real love of a dog.   Despite wanting him gone initially, I grew very fond of him, but there were no tears at his departure.  He will live in a home with two little boys, which is, I think, just what he needs.  And I will be able to walk across the kitchen floor without tripping over this huge hulk blocking my path.

When I felt that cold nose in my armpit at 4:45 a.m., like clockwork, this morning, I knew that even though I had come to feel very affectionate toward him, I would not be sorry to see him go.

But I will miss that big head on my knee and those big eyes looking up at me while I watch television at night.



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I think it's going to be a great match


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