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13 August 2005

My friend Char got a degree from UC Berkeley in philosophy, back in the 1960s.  We always gave her a hard time about what she would do after graduation.   Are there any jobs for salaried philosophers?

(She went on to raise 5 kids, then go back to work, and ultimately retire from the State Bar of California, which, I guess, may have some elements of philosophy included in the job description.)

I thought about the position of "salaried philosophy" when I was watching Kathy Griffin's "D-List" (or whatever her show is called) this afternoon.

See, I don't actually watch these programs, but they keep me company and make me forget that I'm typing endless dull, boring psychiatric chart notes.   Actually, Kathy Griffin had usurped the spot usually reserved for West Wing reruns, and I just never bothered to change the channel.

I don't really have a clue what was going on in the show, but at some point apparently she left her home while it was being decorated.  She and her husband went on vacation.  When she came home, she was going on and on about how wonderful the home looked now.

As they do on shows like this, they were interviewing ... somebody ... about the house remodel.   I don't have a clue who he was but under his name flashed his description:

"live-in gay visionary."


A salaried live-in gay visionary?  What is a "gay visionary" in the first place.  Is that an oxymoron?

How do you get a job as a visionary?  Do you train for it?   Is it really necessary to be gay to be a visionary (and if so, isn't that discrimination against all those straight wanna-be visionaries?)

Someone once talked to me about being an actuary and said that nobody ever knew what an actuary does.  I just looked it up in the dictionary and found it's rather easy to understand.

An actuary is a statistician who computes insurance risks and premiums.  Well, I don't understand all the insurance stuff, but at least the job description makes sense.

So they I wondered what a "visionary" is. 

  • Given to daydreams or reverie; dreamy.
    Not practicable or realizable.

  • Tending to envision things in perfect but unrealistic form; idealistic.

(Come to think of it, perhaps "salaried visionary" isn't all that different from "salaried philosopher.")

Hey!  Who knew?  I'm a visionary!  Now how can I find somebody to pay me for my visions?

I'm picturing myself in the audience of Whose Line Is It Anyway? being chosen by Drew Carey to come up on stage and have Wayne Brady and Chip Esten sing a song to me, using my profession--salaried visionary. 

scarecrow_oz.gif (34626 bytes)What does a salaried visionary do all day?  Do you earn a degree in "thinkology," as the Scarecrow in Oz did? 

Right now I'm envisioning finishing all my transcription, getting my house clean and keeping it that way, losing weight again, and watching the troops come home from Iraq.

Yeah--that seems to qualify as "not practical or realizable" and "tending to envision things in perfect but unrealistic form."

I wish I had known before this that there was a market for this skill.


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Bud has discovered Sheila's squeak toys

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