TODAY's QUOTE Jennifer Bofinger, media spokeswoman for the animal rights group People for the
Ethical Treatment of Animals, said despite the shabby treatment of deer in general, her
organization has not received any complaints about how Santa Claus treats his reindeer. Yesterday's Entries 2000: Moon Flowers TODAY's FOOD Breakfast: English muffins, scrambled eggs, turkey sausage, and hash browns Lunch: Nothing Dinner: Turkey, stuffing, squash, roll, salad, pumpkin pie TODAY's DVD Continuing the f'ing Sopranos marathon! (I actually had the leisure time this afternoon to watch two episodes from Season 2) TODAY's MUSIC You have to ask? The Christmas music ran the gamut from classical to downright annoying and everything in between. TODAY's WEATHER Chilly, sunny. So much for weather forecasters who predicted rain!
NOW I JUST NEED WORLD PEACE 25 December 2003 Does this not look like something Martha Stewart might have whipped up in her early years? I'm rather proud of that table. It's my bargain new table cloth, with a Target's best lighted Christmas tree, some reindeer candle holders from Cost Plus, and an idea stolen from Regis and Kelly to use rock salt as "snow" on the table and imbed gold and silver balls in the salt. When you added the Christmas tree napkin rings my mother-in-law gave me last year, and the Christmas plates, heck--I'm downright proud of how it all looked. But the best thing about tonight is not how the table looked, or how delicious the 26 lb turkey that the psychiatrist gave to me as my Christmas present tasted... It wasn't even that Jeri was absolutley thrilled, as I'd hoped she'd be, when she unwrapped the silly ceramic duck that we gave her. (She fell in love with these ducks, which appear on all the porches in many houses in the town in Ohio where she did Summer Stock for 3 years. They ducks all get dressed for each season and when I saw one on sale in a catalogue, I knew that Jeri needed it for her Boston front porch. Fortunately it turned out to be the perfect present)... And the best part wasn't that, as always, the family had such silly fun and enjoyed being together... ...or that Ned seemed to be in a genuinely good mood... No. The best part was that before the pumpkin pie was cut, with the help of my mother and my sister-in-law, all the dishes, pots and pans and cutlery were washed, dried and put away. By the time the folks left, all the towels we had used to sop up spills had been washed, dried, folded and put away, and the oven was running through a self-clean cycle. The best part was that it all went very well, the guests have all left,...and the house is still neat and tidy. Every year I tell the kids that all I want for Christmas is world peace and a clean house. This year I got half my wish. Can world peace be far behind??
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Created 12/21/03