1 January 2001
It's a new year, a new look to Funny the World. I'm not as clever as some at thinking
up designs for this journal, but I do kinda like the nose and glasses theme. Seems to fit,
somehow. I decided that I wasn't nearly inventive enough to keep a left column going (also
I seem to be reading so slowly, "what I'm reading" was pretty silly), but please
note that magnets will continue! Just be sure to check the bottom of the page for
today's feature. There are still a lot of Sunshyn's
to post and now that Secra has a
digital camera, I'm looking forward to a bunch from her as well.
When I was preparing last night's entry, I looked back at my entry from December 31,
2000 and discovered that I had laid out for myself a bunch of personal goals (not
resolutions of course) for 2001. It was interesting--and in some places discouraging--to
see how well I managed to stick to my plan.
1. Design a new look for Funny the World
Not only did I do that for the year 2001, but I've now done it again for the year 2002.
Maybe I should start now with the plan for 2003!
2. Work with Walt on our finances
At the start of last year, I was concerned that we were getting older and that
throughout our married life, I had let Walt handle all of the finances. I realized it was
time for me to be a bit more adult about things. And I did that. We went together through
all of our finances and when I took this new job, I took over paying part of the bills. So
I get A on this plan as well.
3. Declutter
Hard to know what grade to give myself here. My decluttering attempts came and went. At
the start of the year, I began to divest myself of "stuff" and cleaned up some
pockets here in the house, but a year is a long time for a die-hard clutterer and overall,
I think a "D" is the best I can give myself. At least I did try.
4. Get Serious about Writing
I probably get a C+ on this one. I'm for the most part happy with the theatre reviews I
wrote this year, and am pleased with some feature articles I did for the newspaper. I've
also waxed and waned on this journal. It went through a period of real boring entries, and
I'm trying to get back to being more entertaining (though perhaps not this entry!)
I also worked with an editor on submitting something to an anthology and it was looking
very promising for a long time, but I seem to have fallen off the radar screen, so that
appears to be dead. I shouldn't have dropped the ball, though, and should have
pursued other avenues for writing.
5. Keep up with Work
Probably a B- on this one. I have really tried to reduce procrastination. I haven't
always been successful, but there have been moments when I've managed to keep up with the
evening work. And of course, I started a new job this year, which has been a good
discipline (to say nothing of an "empowering" experience!)
6. Continue walking program
F on this one. The year started out well, and I was walking regularly, but as the year
progressed, the walks got fewer and farther between (a fact I regretted when we went to
England). It's something I plan to make a priority in the coming year. My new boss is a
stickler about exercise and has promised that he would be "very hard on me,"
which I need, since I've now been diagnosed with Diabetes II and exercise is an important
part of the program for diabetics.
7. Bite the bullet
I said I was going to get a handle on my health and I get an A- on this one. Not only
did I get a physical, but when they didn't order the right tests (blood glucose testing
for Diabetes II), I requested it myself. When the doctor dropped the ball on getting me
into a diabetic instruction program, I kept at him until he finally has promised to follow
up this time. Of course i haven't done all those healthy things that I should be doing,
but at least I've made the start I said I was going to make last year.
8. De-Dog the house
I said I was going to make the house more "palatable" for Steve before he
came to spend time here, and I did that. Got a new bed for Kimba, kept it washed. I washed
the rugs and filled the house with air freshener. I'm trying to keep up with that program.
The problem, of course, is that I can't smell whether the house is "doggie" or
not, and most people (unlike Steve) are too polite to say anything. All I can do is try.
At least Steve has been here twice, now, and hasn't complained.
9. Continue to let the people I love know they are loved.
A++ on this one. This has never been a problem for me, but I hope that in this past
year I have continued to let people special in my life know how much they are loved.
When I look ahead to the coming year, the goals pretty much remain the same, with
perhaps a bit more improvement in introspection and self-discovery. I'm hoping that I'll
find out what I want to be when I grow up before I die.
There is an old wish, "May you live in interesting times." I think 2001 was
"interesting" enough for all of us. The best I can wish everyone is a more
peaceful new year, love in your life, and hope for a bright future. 2003 will be here
before we know it.